Sunday, February 04, 2007

wow--2 posts in 1 day!

I read this on the internet and it just made me so sad.,0,3590996.story?page=1&coll=la-home-headlines

(sorry--I couldn't get that "insert link" thing to work)

When I was in Ecuador, an issue that I had was exactly this: that parents would leave their kids with uncles/aunts/grandparents/friends while they went to work in a different country to make more money.

At the same time, who am I to judge? Do I know what it is to experience poverty and to want a "better life" for my loved ones? No. Still, the cost has been high. Too high. I pray that the Ecuadorian economy improves so that children will stop being abandoned.


At 8:34 a.m., Blogger karis said...

I just read the article and it made me want to cry... I can't imagine what those families are going through -- I'm sure it's not easy from either side, but what a generation of hurting children. :_( The "ironic" thing is that in a country like Japan, where there's more than enough wealth to go around, the same thing is happening. Not, per se, "by choice", but because companies demand ultimate allegiance, and fathers are often sent away on business to other areas of Japan or other countries, with the family often choosing to stay behind. It really bothers and saddens me, but it seems like most people here are resigned to accept it since it's the reality. Makes you thankful for the gift of family... But it's hard to see the hopelessness surrounding us. Thanks for the reminder to pray. Love you!


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