Thursday, May 18, 2006

youth sunday

Well, a few week ago the youth that I work with in church were in charge of the service. They decided that they wanted to make up their own worship team--so two months beforehand they started practicing. They did SOOOOOOOO amazing!!!! When you consider that a couple of them had never even picked up their instruments before Christmas and that most of them had never played as a band, it's even more amazing!!! I was (and am) so proud of you guys!
Here are some pics that I was finally able to download:

Lauren was the worship leader, Victoria did back ups, Kayla was on keyboard, Matt was on guitar

Clara was on piano, Vanessa was on drums

Here's Bethany, the bass guitarist

And for moral support....Arlyn and Sara...

and Devon, Shawna, and Jon

El mes pasado, los adolescentes en mi iglesia (soy uno de los lideres) hicieron el culto. Ellos quisieron hacer su proprio equipo de alabanza (en mi iglesia hay algunas adolescentes en los equipos de alabanzas, pero no es como en Ecuador--la majoridad nunca han tocado en un equipo--y algunas solamente han estado tocando sus instrumentos desde enero!). Bueno, practicaron y practicaron por 2 meses y en el domingo hicieron muy, muy bien. Estoy muy, muy orgulloso de ellos. Fue un bendicion grande a la iglesia y a ellos tambien.


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