Sunday, April 23, 2006


I came across a Myers-Briggs personality test on the internet as I was doing some research for my work. I took it again to see if the results would be different from when I took it in Bible school. Well, I'm still an ISFJ, but the "I" is definitely lower. I remember in Bethany, I was an "I 57" (in other words, strongly introverted, according to the test). That was strongly influenced by my being incredibly shy that first year, though--not just because I get my energy by being alone.
I think sometimes it was (and is) easy to put each other into boxes with these types of tests--at the same time they're pretty useful in understanding others (for me, especially, in the context of teaching and relating to students).

Anways, if you want to take it yourselves, here it is:
Myers Briggs Personality Test


At 10:28 a.m., Blogger Jonathan said...

Well, apparently I'm an Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging type of person. Although my strengths were 22%, 25%, 25% and 44% respectively, so the point could be argued.

Based on shared personalites with famous people, I could very well be the next Oprah. Keep an eye out for J magazine.

At 8:25 a.m., Blogger karis said...

hey isfj, aka. roomie, I'd say that's an accurate take by the myers-briggs. . . we both scored pretty high on the "i" our first years. But, just so you know, even if you were an estj (that's random in case any of you reading this are estj's -- don't be offended!) I'd still love you Sharon!

At 8:37 a.m., Blogger karis said...

ps, i'm an infj (wow, and I don't know who your friend jonathan is, but my %s were exactly the same -- crazy!)

At 12:32 a.m., Blogger karina said...

funny, i'm an isfj too.. and i don't recall what i once was, but i think it was probably isfj back then too. we're the same :)

At 12:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I join the isfj club too!!! I'm pretty sure that was my test result back in the day too.

At 7:56 a.m., Blogger Cordella said...

I keep on checking to see if you have updated:) But alas, no udates..........where are you?!?!:)

At 7:57 a.m., Blogger Cordella said...

oh yeah, I was an ENFP and all my co workers in the office did it too:)

At 8:03 p.m., Blogger Sharon said...

so sorry...I've been wanting to download some pictures for a while but something's wrong with my program....gotta love computers!

At 8:40 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a little surprised to find out that I'm now an ESTJ. Back in Bible School I was an ISTJ. Might explain why people don't believe me when I tell them I'm shy:^)


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