Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm tagged, too

Well, Cordella tagged me and, since this seems to be the thing to do, here goes...

7 Things I would like to do before I die (cosas que quiero hacer en mi vida):
1. go back to South America (regresa a Sud America)
2. have fun with my grandchildren (divertirme con mis nietos)
3. travel across Canada (viajar en todos los partes de Canada)
4. get my Masters (in TESOL)(recibir se la palabra en espanol:)
5. keep my room clean for over a week (tener un cuarto muy limpia por mas de una semana)
6. be on a worship team (estar en un equipo de alabanza)
7. decorate my own house (decorar mi propia casa)

7 things I can’t do (yet) (cosas que no puedo hacer todavia):
1. drive standard (manejar los carros que no son automaticos)
2. fillet fish (prepara pescado)
3. salsa (bailar salsa)
4. watch horror films (I'm with you on that, Cordella--and I won't ever be able to do that) (ver las peliculas de horror)
5. wear high heels (Stacey and Clinton, what are you thinking?!)(no se como decirlo)
6. tread water (well, not for long, anyways)(nadar por mucho tiempo)
7. eat the outer parts of an animal (feet, head, etc.)or organs (comer los partes del animales que son afueras--pies, cabezas, etc)

7 things that attract me to blogging (porque tengo este pagina):
1. reconnecting with people (connectarme otra vez con mis amigos a distancia)
2. staying in contact with friends who are far away (estar en contacto con mis amigos lejos)
3. learning through other's experiences (apprender de las experiencias de los otros)
4. it's something to do (es algo que hacer)
5. sharing my pictures and experiences (compartir mis fotos y experiencias)
6. randomely looking at people's blogs who I don't know (mira a los blos de los peronnes que no conozco)
7. express myself (expresar yo mismo)

7 things I say most often (cosas que siempre digo):
1. "Place name here" (in a very motherly tone and look)
2. No problem.
3. I know, eh?
4. I don't know! (when asked about future plans)
5. Aja.... (said to show you understand someone)
6. Chevere! ("cool")
7. Oh my word!!

7 books I love (libros que me gusta):
1. The Last Sin Eater
2. The City of Joy
3. The Poisonwood Bible
4. Blue Castle
5. The Zion Covenant series
6. The Mark of the Lion series
7. Bruchko (and other missionary auto/biographies)

7 movies I watch over and over (peliculas que me gusta):
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. You've Got Mail
3. The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
4. Runaway Bride
5. The Terminal
6. Zorro movies
7. Life is Beautiful

7 people I want to join in too (you been tagged!)
Well, I don't know that many bloggers, so there's some repeats here...oh, well
1. Christi
2. Karis
3. Naomi
4. Rachel
5. Andrea
6. Tam
7. Janelle H.


At 8:58 a.m., Blogger karina said...

oh, yes, the blue castle. i love that book too. how wonderful. i should read it again :) have a great weekend sharon!

At 11:07 a.m., Blogger Cordella said...

just wanted to let you know that my tan is coming along great! So far, it is going okay but I am almost done my second book, I should have brough more! My reading is driving my family crazy because they want to party but I told them this is my vacation and I can do what I want. I have lots of stories already but now it is time for me to go back to the pool. Talk to you soon!

At 9:18 a.m., Blogger karis said...

"tagged", eh? Sorry, it's been too long. . . (guess I can use that excuse for why I haven't taken up my responsibility yet!!) Sharon, I love reading your thoughts -- I'm often challenged by what you write. . . and I hear you with teaching kids :-s Definitely has it's "moments" -- mine are Grades 1-3. . .


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