Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Well, yesterday I had to say goodbye to my last friend from Heartland English School where I taught in the summer. I've had a number of friends leave in the past month :( I love you guys a lot! Thanks so much for all the good times--I really treasure your friendships and the times we could spend together.

Ayer, tuve que despedir mi ultima amiga de Heartland English School, donde ensene en el verano. Algunas de mis amigas de alla han salido en el mes pasado :(. Les quiero mucho, amigas! Gracias por los tiempos buenos--sus amistades y los tiempos que compartimos son por mi un tesoro.

Anna Carolina and I at the Nutcracker Ballet a couple of days before she went back to Mexico. Oye, amiga te quiero mucho--esparame en Mexico!

Hilda and I at her going away party before she headed back to Mexico. Te quiero tambien--no te olvides nuestro viaje a Machu Pichu!

Mandy, my friend from Taiwan, and I. You're a sweetheart and I'll miss you!

One of my classes and I, trying our hand at the good ol' game of mini golf


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