Monday, November 14, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It's finally snowing! People probably think I'm crazy, but I LOVE snow! (well, ok, I don't particularly like clearing the snow off my car, but you gotta take the bad with the good) I guess I love the way the it transforms the world around me. Everything seems so pure and new (after a fresh snowfall, anyway). I love walking at night, especially when everything is calm and quiet. It's like I'm walking through a blanket of diamonds, with the way the light glimmers off the snow. It's amazing how intricate and beautiful God's creation is!

Por fin, esta nevando! Probablemente, persones piensan que estoy loca, pero a mi, me ENCANTA la nieve! (bueno, no me gusta mucho cuando tengo que limpiar la nieva de sobre mi carro, pero, asi es--tiene que tomar el malo con el bueno, no?) A mi me gusta como la nieve se transforma el mundo al redador de mi. Todo es puro y nuevo. Me encanta caminando en la noche, especialmente cuando todo es calme y quieto. Cuando el luz se reflega sobre la nieve, es como estoy caminando a traves de milliones de diamantes. Cuan intricado y hermoso es lo que Dios ha hecho!


At 7:57 a.m., Blogger karina said...

hi sharon! good to see you're alive and well :) have a wonderful snowy day

At 6:49 p.m., Blogger Cordella said...

just so you know, Andrea and Drew's blog is

At 10:00 a.m., Blogger Cordella said...

I just realized I chose the same title as you:)lol
It wasn't intentional!

At 11:42 a.m., Blogger Janelle said...

hey sharon! i'm excited to keep up on what you are doing! i love reading peoples blogs!

At 11:27 a.m., Blogger Tam said...

Sharon hello!
Glad to see you're still around. :) I love that you have everything translated into Spanish...i need to really start studying again.


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