Sunday, March 19, 2006

taste the thunder

Yesterday was a very exciting day. I went out for East Indian food with my friend Brigitte and guess what I found? Thums Up and Limca!!!! Those are two drinks (pop) that I had all the time in India when I was there with my class from Bethany! It's amazing how taste (and smell, for that matter) can bring back so many memories.... Good times.

I specifically recall being in a village on the second day, being sooooooo tired and stressed out and wanting to head back to where we were staying (and we had 2 hours of driving on bumpy road ahead of us). But then the villagers, being hospitable of course, brought us drinks before the ride home--Thums Up to be exact. Well, I liked Thums Up, so it was no issue to swig it back. But Cordella was having a lot of difficulty--especially because she normally didn't drink much pop (and she didn't particularly like the taste, either). But her finishing that bottle was our ticket home so all I could say was "Drink it and smile, Cordella!" Not very compassionate--sorry, Cordella! But I did do the ol' switcheroo under the table with her, so suddenly she had an almost empty bottle and mine was full. I wonder if anyone noticed....

Ayer fui a comer en un restaurante de la India--y tome algunas bebidas que tome cuando estuve en India! Estuve muy emocionante! Los sabores pueden hacerme recordar los tiempos pasados.

Me acuerdo de un dia, cuando estuve cansadissimo y muy estressada y solo quise regresar a mi casa (estuvimos en un pueblo muy, muy lejo de nuestra casa). Y los personnes en el pueblo no dieron "Thums Up" (una bebida que me encanta) porque son muy gracioso. Pero a mi grupo, solamente quisimos ir, entonces yo tome ese bebida rapidissimo. Pero mi amiga, Cordella, a ella no le gusta este bebido y fue una lucha tomarlo y le dije "tomalo y sonreia, Cordella!" (bueno, no estuve muy compassionate). Despues cambio mi bouteille (casi vacia) con suyo (casi llena) abajo de la mesa. Espero que nadie lo vio..... Bueno, este historia no es muy chistoso en espanol.....oh well :)


At 1:19 p.m., Blogger Cordella said...

Seriously one of my favourite stories from India:)lol

At 10:23 p.m., Blogger Cordella said...

yeah look, I figured out the profile pic with some help from Karina's sister!!

At 8:48 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bendiciones Sharon gracias por visitar mi pagina Cuidatep muchop!!!


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