Thursday, May 18, 2006


Well the other weekend I got the chance to fly out to Calgary for the weekend--soooo much fun! I stayed with Naomi for a couple of days--here she is with our Superstore sushi on our way to Canmore....

And here's my Mom's favourite part of Canmore: The Three Sisters.

My life's felt pretty crazy lately (I'm sure many can relate!) so it was just so nice to get away from it all for awhile.

Anyways, then I headed over to Keith and Amy's for a day. And I got to be there when they adopted Levi, their cat, from the Humane Society. What a cutie! Here he is with his new "mom"!

Thanks for the good times, ladies! Love you both!

La otra semana tuve la oportunidad ir a visitar dos amigas en la cuidad de Calgary (es 2 horas por avion). Es cerca de los montanas, entonces fui a verlos tambien--cuan hermosa! El tiempo fue muy, muy divertido! He estado un pocquito estressada y occupada con vida, entonces fue muy bonita salir de mi vida normal y tener un vacacionito. La primera amiga, Naomi, es una amiga de mi escuela biblica y va a casarla en julio (soy una de las damas!). Y la otra, Amy, ha estado una amigo por casi todo mi vida.


At 8:40 a.m., Blogger karis said...

Hey-- fun pictures, and I'm so happy for you that you got the chance to catch up with friends and just take some time for yourself too! That's really exciting about your youth service too -- isn't it cool to see where they are now, and what a great future God has in store?! :-)


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