Sunday, August 27, 2006

all-night dance party in my room

Well, I could have had one, anyways! The house right beside where I'm staying was blaring the music into my room (ah, Ecuador!). I was sure I'd be up all night--but I was so tired, I fell asleep in a few minutes (thank God!)

So, yup, I'm in Ecuador--arrived yesterday afternoon. It's weird--in some ways it feels like I never left. Even my Spanish is pretty much the same level (some think it's better). But it sure has been good to see everyone again.

Yesterday I actually got to go to a wedding for a girl from the church. I don't know her that well but I was Ludy's (the mom of the family that I'm staying with) date. It was neat (although I was super tired because I didn't get much sleep on my trip--the floor at Miami airport isn't that comfortable!) Anyways, there were mariachi and everything. Pretty neat! I'll be able to post the pictures when I'm back in Canada.

It's so neat to be in a different country--one's senses are more awake--you notice all of the different smells, sights, sounds, tastes, etc. The smell of dust mixed with diesel. The horns honking in the street. The vendors shouting their wares as they go down the road. The fresh watermelon juice. The brightly painted houses (orange, purple, green, and blue). Even the taste of water on such a hot day (although I've been forturnate that the yesterday and today have been cloudy and a bit cooler!).

Anyways, I'd better go but I'll keep you posted!

Bendiciones (blessings)

Monday, August 21, 2006

in a week...

I'll be in Ecuador!!! I leave Friday afternoon. Crazy!!! It's finally starting to feel real. Now let's just hope I survive this week of lesson planning, teaching, gift buying, and packing..... I'm really, really looking forward to the break!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

for all you pride and prejudice fans...

did you know that the new Pride and Prejudice movie has both American and British endings? I was talking with a friend from England and mentioned that I liked the ending of the new movie. She kind of had a knowing look in her eyes and asked "Which one?" Turns out the British version ends with Mr. Darcy and Lizzy in the field, although the "optional American ending" can be found in the extras. My friend found the American ending a little "cheesy"....ok maybe it is, but hey--I love cheese! And the producers guessed (rightly so) that so do the majority of North Americans.

I love Jane Austen, but I guess I can't properly call myself a purist......