Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad!

Just wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!
We've made Christmas a big huge celebration, but I was reminded today that when Christ came, he came into the everyday happenings of life. He was Emmanuel, "God with us," present where the people were at.
I'm just so thankful that He was present with my cousin, Rebekah, last night. She's teaching in Belize and was walking with some friends when they were hit by a motorcyclist. She's got some broken bones and stitches--but it could have been so much worse! Please pray for healing for her--and that she'd be able to feel and know Jesus' presence as she's in a lot of pain, so far away from home....thanks.

Here's a picture of my cousin, Rebekah. Aqui es un foto de mi prima, Rebekah.

Solo quise decir "Feliz Navidad!" a todos. Hemos hecho Navidad una celebracion muy grande, pero hoy pense en el facto de cuando Cristo vino, entro en la "vida normal." Era "Emanuel," "Dios con nosotros." Esta con nosotros en los celebraciones y en la vida normal.
Estoy tan agradecido que El estuvo presente con mi prima, Rebekah, anoche. Ella esta ensendiendo en Belize y anoche estuvo caminando con algunas amigas cuando una motocycleta les choco. Se quebro algunas huesos--pero gracias a Dios que no era peor! Por favor, oren por ella--especialmente que podria sentir tan cerca la presencia de Jesus en su dolor, tan lejos de casa....gracias.

Friday, December 23, 2005


I recently read the book "The Yadda Yadda Prayer Group." It was very interesting--recommend it. I liked the way it pushed me to think about cultural and demoninational walls that we sometimes put up in the church.
Something that impacted me was the way the book illustrated how easy it is to forget our need for grace--especially when we start comparing ourselves to other people who have "bigger" issues than us. And, then, like in the book, a situation is sent (or arises out of our own actions/decisions) that shoves our need for grace right in our faces.
I had one of those experiences this week--it was really difficult but it was good because I was reminded once again of my daily (minutely!) need for Jesus. I'm always blown away by his patience with me!

Recien, lei el libro "The Yadda Yadda Prayer Group." Es muy, muy interessante. Me gusta como habla de los pareds (cultural o demonincacional) que aveces construimos en la iglesia.
Algo que me impacto fue como el libro illustro cuan facil es olivdar nuestro necesidad por la gracia--especialmente cuando hagamos un comparison entre nosotros y otros con pecados "mas grande" que nuestros. Y despues, como en el libro, una situacion viene (muchas veces a cause de nuestros acciones/decisiones) que nos muestra muy, muy claramente nuestra necesidad por gracia.
Tuve una de estes experiencias este semana--fue dificil pero tambien bueno porque pude recordar otra vez mi necesidad cada dia (cada minuto!) por Jesus y su gracia. Siempre estoy tan agradecido por su paciencia conmigo!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

come rain or shine

As I was walking to the bus stop this morning, I had the song "Blessed be Your Name" in my head:

"...Blessed be your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be your name

Blessed be your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be your name

Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord..."

It made me think of how UNTRUE this is for me.
Sure, I was praising God this morning--because "the world's all as it should be." But where was my praise when I was struggling with some friendship problems last week? Or where was it when God slammed a door shut last year? I wasn't thinking of praising God very much in the midst of my pity parties.

It's so easy to focus on ME and MY situations that I forget just who is this God I'm serving. Hello, Sharon, He's the one who created the universe, who created YOU, who is in control of all, who gave His life for you, who is deeply in love with you even though you don't deserve it at all, who is faithful and will never desert you! So praise Him!

God--help me to get it!

Mientras caminando al bus este manana, tuve una cancion en mi mente: "Bendito Sea Tu Nombre."
Sigue algo asi:
...Bendito sea Tu nombre
Cuando hay sol
Cuando todo en el mundo esta correcto
Bendito sea Tu nombre

Bendito sea Tu nombre
En el camino de dolencia
Cuando me duele dar el ofrecimiento
Bendito sea Tu nombre

Cada bendicion que Tu me das,
Te dare la alabanza
Y cuando todo es oscuro,
Todavia dire,
Bendito sea el nombre del Senor..."

Me puso a pensar--mi vida no ha demonstrado que creo las palabras de este cancion.
Bueno, si, alabe al Senor este manana, cuando todo en el mundo estuvo correcto--pero donde estuvo mi alabanza cuando estuve luchando con un amistad? O cuando Dios cerro una puerta muy fuerta el ano pasado? No estaba pensando en alabando a Dios en estos momentos.

Tan facil es pensar en YO y en MIS circunstancias--y se me olvida quien es este Dios que sirvo. Hola, Sharon--El es lo quien creo el universo, El TE creo, El tiene el control de todo, El dio su vida para ti, El te ama tan fuerte--aunque no lo mereces. El es tan fiel--y nunca te abandonara! Entonces...alabar al Senor!

Dios--ayudame entenderlo!